I Believe You
When doctors won't, a mother must
I Believe You is a love letter to families like Galen's, throughout the world, dealing with ME/CFS/Long COVID and other hidden chronic illnesses in the face of skeptics, gaslighting, and a profound lack of support. It is a wake-up call to all those in denial of the distressing symptoms their friend or family member may be trying to explain to them.
It is a plea to radically rest if you have the telltale symptoms of ME that doctors were clueless about as Galen's son James declined for ten years.

“With millions who have long COVID potentially worsening, her book is an urgent warning for our times.”
Ronald W. Davis, PhD
Professor of Biochemistry and of Genetics Stanford University
Founder and Director, Stanford ME/CFS Collaborative Research Center
Director, Open Medicine Foundation Scientific Advisory Board
“I have come to know Galen as an amazing mother, caregiver and advocate. Patients, families, caregivers and medical professionals will benefit from her lived experience and effectiveness.
"People need to know that their friends and acquaintances with ME are not mentally ill or malingering, and to support them in resting rather than trying to get them to "try harder" and go beyond their energy limits and crashing.
"Her book is a highly effective clarion call to anyone with ME or long COVID to just rest, and to their loved ones to support them.
I believe it’s what the world urgently needs right now.”
Janet L. Dafoe, PhD
Licensed Psychologist